Sunday, August 1, 2010

New York, New York

I have since recovered from our long trip to New York. We arrived on Tuesday July 13Th and from then on it was go go go! Going to NY always makes me feel refreshed and whole again. Living out here in Kansas I don't have a single family member, at times it can get very lonely. Especially when I see or hear of my friends always getting together with their families. It does however make me appreciate my Parents and sister so much more and to also cherish every moment we DO spend together.

We had a blast, we went to the children's museum, the rose gardens, spa day(my favorite), Lake Placid, had a huge BBQ. When it came time for the dreaded flight home I sulked all day. Wes saw how sad I was and went ahead and extended my trip by a whole week. What a husband!! The girls and I were able to spend 7 more days with my parents and sister. During that time we went to the horse races, the park, played in the pool, and spent many hours just enjoying one another. We plan on returning in December for my sisters College graduation so it wont be too long before I see them again. I will leave ya with some pics from our trip!!

And a little souvenir we took home with us...

More details to come in the following weeks!! We are thrilled!
*****disclosure***** we have not told all our family or friends yet, waiting for my first appt! So please no Facebook comments or anything else. I just had to tell my blogger buddies:-)


  1. OH Christina! I'm SO excited for you. I will keep you in my prayers, I've got a good feeling about this one :) Congrats lady!

  2. Thanks Heather. I am very cautiously optimistic about this one. It feels totally different than last time, I actually feel pregnant! Until I see a heartbeat I will be walking on egg shells.Ill keep ya posted, and keep the prayers coming!
